So. Yeah. The States.
There's been an interesting side effect of the current speed running of collapse that appears to be going on. Interesting may be too strong of a word.
I've reached the point where I don't care. Don't get me wrong, it's bad, it's definitely very bad, and many many people are going to be hurt by it. I need to be aware of the general undercurrents of what and why is causing it, for the purposes of fighting that sort of shit happening here. As far as what's happening on a day to day basis though, while there is literally nothing I can do, I don't want to know every little detail.
And I get that the day to day detail is important for the people living through it. There is no complaint on my part about the fact that the people living through it are talking about the details.
My interest in social media has been declining for some time. Left the book of face several years ago. Twitter went the same way a few years ago. I have a mastodon account and that's about it. It is now very apparent how many of the people I follow are from the states. Unfortunately the us of the #uspol hash tag is isn't as prolific as it could be. I've never been one to engage hugely on Mastodon, now I find myself engaging even less. Which effectively means I'm just reading less.
Similarly with other media. For some time now I've been tying to move away from youtube. Nebula has been an option.Patreon is a thing I use. There are some creators that I enjoy who only publish on youtube though, so I haven't detached completely. It's a thing on youtube, but it's become more noticeable on Nebula. There's more more things of the speed run of awful. Again, understandable. It has the side effect of making me less inclined to engage with that content.
And I find that I'm not particularly upset about the fact that I'm less inclined to pay attention. It's almost a little relaxing. It's definitely a thing though.